Program Benefits, Opportunities, and Excellence in Scholarship
The UA SEMA program is a nationally recognized and accredited program through CAEP and SPA, the only program in the state of Alabama to achieve this status for the last 10 years.
Teacher candidates have opportunities to gain hands on experience in local classrooms led by our A-PLUS in Math Partnership Master Teachers! Students will have opportunities to participate in federally funded projects. SEMA teacher candidates have high Praxis II scores and Pass rates in Alabama and well above the national average! SEMA teacher candidates have high edTPA scores and nearly a 100% first attempt pass rates the last five years! |
Undergraduate students can join Students for Improvement of Mathematics Education (SIME) and experience early leadership and mentorship from their peers and some of our graduate students in mathematics education.
UA SEMA collaborates and participates in events with the Alabama Council of Teachers of mathematics (ACTM). Our teacher candidates all attend the conference at least one, many twice, before graduation! Additionally, graduate students can get involved with the College of Education Graduate Student Organization (COE-GSO). |